Poets’ Corner Open Mic
Online Open Mic for Poets
Sunday, March 21st
3:00 pm
Tompkins Corners welcomes Jonathan Andersen as the featured poet at our Poets’ Corner Open Mic. Following Jonathan, the mic opens to all who wish to read, with a five-minute limit.
Pre-registration is required to read but not to attend. Writers of all kinds are welcome!
Poets’ Corner, starting its 3rd year this March, is a warm and welcoming group of poets and writers. Our winter stage and outdoor grassy knoll at Tompkins Corners historic church are where we hosted our readings before the pandemic. We look forward to returning there again, when we are able. In the meantime, we have congregated on Zoom with great success. New poets and published writers alike join us each month to listen and share their work.
Zoom Link – tinyurl.com/TC3PoetsCorner